Friday, November 29, 2019

Enter therhetorical appeals.Rhetoric, the art Essays - Rhetoric

Enter therhetorical appeals.Rhetoric, the art ofpersuasion, is built on making connections between the text, the author, and the reader. If you want to get through to a resistantaudience, you'll need to leverageyourmost convincing claims andevidence,yourown skills and expertise, and what you know aboutyouraudienceandtheirexpectations. These rhetorical appeals are called logos , ethos , and pathos . Image retrieved from This unit will explain what each appeal is and how to use it effectively in your writing. Logos Logosrefers to thelogical appeal. When a writer developslogos, he or she supports claims with reasons andevidence. The basic essay is a logical structure because it starts with aclaim(also known as athesis statement). Thethesis statementis supported by reasons (akamain points).Main pointsare supported byevidence(such as examples).Logosis the rhetorical appeal that is most convincing to academic audiences.However, other audiences are also impressed by a strong logicalargument. Imagine that you are applying for a promotion atyourcompany. You need to write a cover letter explainingyourqualifications. To establishlogos, you would provide aclaim, supported by reasons, supported byevidence. In this case, youclaimthat you are qualified for theposition. You might write, "I am applying for thepositionof Project Manager because I am highly qualified to do the job well." That's a strongclaim. The hiring manager will probably want to know more, though. What makes you qualified? "My experience and education have prepared me for more responsibility in the company." You gavetwogood reasons that you are qualified. The hiring manager will still probably want to know more: "I have worked for the company for five years and have successfully contributed to many projects. I have also recently completed my bachelor's degree in business." Now the manager knows thatyou'requalified and why. This is the basis of a logical structure to anargument: Ethos Ethosrefers to the ethical appeal. Establishingethosmeans that you present yourself as someone credible and trustworthy. Sometimes, you will come out and explain whyyou'rea credible authority on a subject. Most of the time, however,ethoswill be established through more subtle means such as referring to the work of others, keeping an appropriatetone, using the correctformat, andeditingfor correctness. Everyone has opinions, but not every opinion is equally valid. What makes an opinion valid? Being supported by facts and corroborated by others. Show that you have doneyourhomework on this topic and are knowledgeable by incorporating sources intoyourwork. This might sound a little likelogosagain. Supporting claims with reasons andevidenceimprovesyourethos. Providing clear support foryourideas gets youtworhetorical appealsfor the price of one. What a bargain! Tonealso contributes toyouroverallcredibilityand likeability. Let's think about the cover letter we're writing to our manager to get a promotion at work. Consideryourimpression of the writer of this line: "You have to give me the job because I have worked here for five years without ever being late once. I deserve it." The impression that you have of the writer is the writer'sethos. This line makes the writer soundtoodemanding and maybe a little desperate. Consideryourimpression of the writer of this line: "I have been a hardworking and dependable employee for this company for the past five years." In this line, the writer seems confident and professional.Ethosis inyourtone. Finally,editingis an important part of establishingethos. You know the saying, "don't judge a book byitscover." Well, people do judge books bytheircovers andyour readers judgeyourcredibilitybyyourformatting andgrammar. It's not fair that good ideas often go ignored because of poorediting, butit'sreal. If we turned in a cover letter that was not in business letter format , we would not be taken as seriously. If we misspelled words and blended our sentences together, the manager would be distracted by the errors and lose interest in the content of our message. Consider the following examples: Which would you pull off a stack of cover letters when looking to promote someone? Just at a glance, you can see that the letter in business letterformatlooks more professional. A well-formatted text adds instantcredibilitytoyourmessage. The final consideration when establishingethosiseditingcarefully forgrammarand correctness. Usinggrammarthat is unconventional foryouraudienceandpurpose hurtsyourcredibility. Whenyourgrammardoes not meet the expectations ofyourreader, he or she will viewyourgrammaruse as an error and may think you didn't care enough about the writing to edit for correctness. To avoid seeming hasty and sloppy inyourwriting, runyour text through a spell andgrammarchecker and give it a final read-through before sending or submitting it.In short,ethosrefers tocredibility. Establishyourcredibility by supportingyourideas, using an appropriatetone, andeditingforformatandgrammar. Pathos Pathosrefers to the emotions of theaudience. In establishingpathos, you think aboutyouraudience. How can you drawyourreader intoyourtext and make them

Monday, November 25, 2019

Whats a Liberal Arts College Should You Attend One

What's a Liberal Arts College Should You Attend One SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’ve started researching colleges, you’ve probably seen the term â€Å"liberal arts school† thrown around quite a bit without really understanding what it means. What is a liberal arts college, actually? And how is it different from other sorts of colleges and universities? It’s hard to get a straight answer when it comes to defining a liberal arts college. In this post, I’ll dive a little deeper into defining the liberal arts before explaining what it means to get a liberal arts education. Then, I’ll talk about how these colleges differ from non-liberal arts schools and how that may affect your educational experience. What Are the Liberal Arts? To get a good understanding of the origins of the liberal arts, we have to go all the way back to classical antiquity - think ancient Greece in its prime. Participation in civic life was pretty important to many classical philosophers, who thought that a certain fundamental knowledge should be expected of active free citizens. In ancient times, liberal arts included grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, and even music and astronomy. The â€Å"liberal† in liberal arts has nothing to do with political liberalism, and everything to do with the original Latin roots of the words: artes liberales translates to subjects of the free person. Modern understanding of the liberal arts has, unsurprisingly, changed from that of ancient philosophers’. When we talk about the liberal arts today, we’re referring to a broad range of subjects: literature, languages, history, philosophy, math, and sciences. What liberal arts don’t include are any sort of vocational, technical, or professional studies. What Is a Liberal Arts Education? Now that you’ve gotten a mini-history lesson, we can get into what it means to get a liberal arts education in modern times. Different cultures sometimes have their own unique twists on what it means to offer a liberal arts education. In general, though, a liberal arts education is one that focuses on producing well-rounded individuals. American schools that provide a liberal arts education might aim to produce â€Å"global citizens†: individuals who are well-equipped to participate in an informed, ethical way in the world around them. One could say that the ultimate goal of a liberal arts education is to teach students how to think critically, and to effectively interpret and analyze new information they encounter as they navigate their environments. These programs tend to be flexible in the sense that there’s not only one career path you could feasibly pursue post-graduation. If you attend a liberal arts program, you might say you have a liberal arts degree.Examples of liberal arts degreesinclude languages and literature, biology and life sciences, philosophy, cultural studies, and psychology. What Doesn’t Count as a Liberal Arts Education A liberal arts degreeis not something you would receive in a vocational, technical, or professional program. These sort of programs exist to educate students with the purpose of preparing them for a specific career - that is, there’s a clear professional end goal. As such, these educations are generally more career-oriented. Examples of non-liberal arts educations include law school, medical school, engineering programs, and architecture programs. Architecture may be considered a form of art - it just doesn’t fall under the heading of liberal arts. What Is a Liberal Arts College? Like I alluded to in the introduction, there’s no set or standardized definition of a liberal arts college. In general, though, they are educational institutions that emphasize undergraduate education (as opposed to producing research) and award at least half of their degrees in the liberal arts fields of study (like I described above). Students generally pick one course of study to focus on, while also taking courses in other diverse subjects. Check out our post on top liberal arts colleges for examples. Liberal arts colleges tend to encourage their students to study a wide range of subjects instead of focusing solely on one field of study. The way schools actually do this varies, however - there are a few different paths that liberal arts colleges can take here: Core Curriculums - Core curriculums are set plans of study that include mandatory courses in different subjects that all students must take in order to graduate. An example would be the core curriculum at Purdue’s College of Liberal Arts within Purdue University. Distribution Requirements - Distribution requirements are plans of study that require students to take courses across a range of different subjects, but they don’t dictate exactly which courses a student must take in order to graduate. At Williams College, for example, students have to take courses in three different â€Å"divisions† (in addition to meeting requirements for their major of choice): Languages and the Arts, Social Studies, and Science and Mathematics. Open Curriculums - Open curriculums mean that students don’t have to meet any course requirements - either in the form of specific, mandatory courses or distribution requirements - in order to graduate. They are free to choose any courses available to them as long as they meet the requirements for their choice of major. An example of an open curriculum is the one offered at Amherst College. How Are Liberal Arts Colleges Different From Other Schools? Liberal arts colleges are often compared to research universities, although some schools exist as hybrids - both pushing to be research powerhouses while also striving to offer a liberal arts education. The traditional liberal arts college focuses primarily on undergraduate education, however, which means that professors tend to be hired and retained for their teaching and not necessarily for their research experience. This tends to affect student/professor relationships and overall student learning experiences. For example: Undergraduates may have more access to professors because there’s less of an emphasis on research and graduate programs. The colleges themselves tend to be smaller than research universities, with smaller class sizes and student: faculty ratios. There may be fewer research opportunities available. Access to research projects is one of the major differentiators between liberal arts colleges and other types of schools. To make this a bit easier to understand, here’s a chart with the typical characteristics of a traditional liberal arts college vs. a traditional research university: Liberal Arts Colleges vs. Research Universities Liberal Arts Colleges Research Universities Degree Program Offerings More limited, but sometimes unique, degree programs Wide selection of degree programs Pre-Professional Options Few (if any) pre-professional offerings More pre-professional degree offerings Research vs. Teaching Professors are generally focused on teaching over research Professors are generally focused on research and graduate students over teaching undergraduates Class Size Smaller average class size Larger average class size Research Opportunities Fewer research opportunities and less exposure to research More research opportunities and exposure to research Public vs. Private Usually private May be public or private Lectures vs. Seminars Many small seminar offerings More lectures, fewer small seminars Mentorship Career Opportunities Easier to form relationships with profs and peers for career professional connections More difficult to form relationships with profs, but more career fairs and recruiting events The issue with the above chart is that many of the top private research universities also pride themselves on providing liberal arts educations for undergraduates - there isn’t a clear delineation, then, between a liberal arts college and a research university in these circumstances. Top research universities may, for example: Have core curriculums, distribution requirements, or even open curriculums that are very similar to the ones you’d see at a traditional liberal arts college (Brown has a famously open curriculum, for example). Offer few (if any) pre-professional degree programs. You won’t find many business or finance degree programs, for example, at many of these liberal arts-minded research universities. Strive to offer smaller seminar-style courses to encourage student participation and class discussion. See Harvard’s freshman seminar program as an example. We can see, then, that there are really three options here when discussing this spectrum of school types: we have liberal arts colleges and research universities, but there are also hybrid options that tend to be pretty prestigious and highly-ranked. It’s important to keep these in mind when researching colleges, but remember that these hybrid options are often top-tier and shouldn’t be considered safe bets if you’re submitting applications. What Sort of School Is the Right Fit for You? If you’re leaning towards the liberal arts in general (or are even still making up your mind, but don’t know what type of college would be the best fit), these next considerations should help you figure it out. Career Goals Do you know exactly what you want to do after you graduate? Many students don’t know exactly what they want to do professionally when they’re just applying to college. If you’re not sure, it’s not just ok - it’s normal. Liberal arts educations (either at liberal arts colleges or hybrid schools) really encourage students to explore and develop their interests. If this sounds appealing, a liberal arts education will probably be a good fit. A liberal arts education is also a good option if you want a flexible degree that won’t necessarily hinder a variety of job prospects across fields/disciplines. Amherst College doesn’t have official pre-med or business majors, for example, but it still sends quite a few students to graduate programs in those fields. Alternatively, if you know specifically what you’d like to do and know that you need a pre-professional degree to pursue your career of choice, a liberal arts degree may not be the most efficient way to meet your goals. Engineering is a prime example - if you get a non-engineering degree (liberal arts or otherwise), you’d need to double-back to get the specialized education you need before advancing professionally. You also don’t need to attend a liberal arts college or hybrid university to get a flexible degree - many traditional research universities offer degree programs that aren’t necessarily pre-professional (like English, Economics, or Romance Languages). In sum: your career goals can inform whether you want to go the liberal arts route or not, but they don’t necessarily make a liberal arts college better or worse than other school options. Are you sure where you’re headed, or are you still figuring things out? Research Experience Is it important that you get research experience as an undergraduate? If you plan on pursuing a graduate degree in a research-heavy or competitive field (e.g. if you want to go to medical school or get a PhD), it’s important to get good research experience as an undergraduate. It’s easiest to do this at a research university. Some traditional liberal arts colleges offer these opportunities, but you’ll want to scope relevant departments before committing to a liberal arts college. For example, let’s look at Williams College (a top liberal arts college) versus Johns Hopkins University (a top research university that offers a liberal arts education to undergrads): Johns Hopkins University received 939 grant awards in 2014, making it the country’s most funded university by the NIH Williams didn’t make the list of the top 50 most-funded schools Put simply, more grant money = more research opportunities. Research universities tend to get more funding because they invest a lot of resources into producing research. Target Major Are you looking for something more general (e.g. English, Romance Languages, History) or something pretty specific (e.g. Cognitive Science, Integrative Biology, Slavic Languages Literature)? Liberal arts colleges tend to offer fewer and more general majors because they’re just smaller schools. Sometimes, though, they offer some unique and even niche options. For example, Amherst offers general options like American Studies, Economics, and English, but they also offer a unique major called Law, Jurisprudence, and Thought. In total Amherst only offers 28 majors, whereas Arizona State University offers over 300 options. Are you okay with not having a super specialized major (unless you’re into one of a college’s niche options)? You’d do alright at a liberal arts college. Do you want more variety and/or more opportunity for specialization? A traditional research university or a hybrid university may suit you better. Environment Educational Experience This is perhaps the most important consideration. Would you like the hustle and bustle of a big university, with big lectures taught by big-name professors? Or would you prefer something more intimate, with smaller seminars taught by professors who are dedicated to teaching? What really matters is what you are most comfortable with. The only way to really figure this out is to visit a few schools. To give you some examples, most of the top liberal arts colleges are relatively small, whereas the top research universities (hybrid or otherwise) are much bigger: Liberal Arts Colleges: Williams = 2,045 undergrads, Amherst = 1,792, Swarthmore = 1,542, Bowdoin = 1,805 Hybrid Colleges: Harvard = 6,694 undergrads, Princeton = 5,391, Yale = 5,447 Public Research Universities: UCLA = 43,000 undergrads, Texas AM = 49,000 If you want something small and intimate, you would likely be happier at a liberal arts college. If you want something bigger and busier, public universities may be best. If you want something in-between - a bigger campus but with opportunities for smaller classes - you might look into some of those hybrid options. Now would be a good time to think about whether you’re cool with crowds. What’s Next? Need more guidance when it comes to picking the school that’s best for you? We’ve got you covered. Read about whether it even matters where you go to college and how to get into your top-choice college. Set on a liberal arts school? Check out the top-ranked liberal arts colleges. One of the next questions you may have might rise out of a more practical concern - you know how your experience may differ at a private liberal arts college when compared to other types of schools, but should you expect any difference in cost? Learn more about different college expenses. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Friday, November 22, 2019

Toyota Production system Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Toyota Production system - Research Paper Example TPS is an integrated socio-technical system developed by Taiichi Ohno, Shigeo Shingo, and Eiji Toyoda. This system includes its management philosophy and practices. It assists Toyota in organizing its manufacturing activities and logistics and in effective interaction with suppliers and customers. The major objectives of TPS include resolution on the overburden, inconsistency, and elimination of waste. As Basu points out, this system addresses seven kinds of waste such as waste of overproduction, waste of time on hand, waste in transportation, waste of processing itself, waste of stock on hand, waste of movement, and waste of making defective products (Basu 11). Toyota believes that quality management is the key to global competitiveness and hence the company deploys the TPS as a tool for meeting customer tastes and preferences. The most fascinating feature of the TPS is that it can accurately identify wastes in production and effectively optimize various scheduling processes. In the view of some experts, the greatest strength of TPS is the way it develops people. Unlike a push system where employees just work according to the instructions they are given, the TPS greatly fosters employee creativity and this situation benefits the company to improve its productivity. In TPS, T stands for ‘Thinking’ as well as ‘Toyota’. The TPS encourages Toyota workers to come up with revolutionary production techniques and unique ideas that would contribute to the firm’s market competitiveness. It is noted that this system is highly potential to develop efficient leaders who can thoroughly understand various processes and hence train others. In addition, TPS is a better tool to develop exceptional teams of employees that can properly follow the company’s philosophy. Similarly, this system greatly aids the organization to cut lead-time by eliminating all the bits

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The growth of China 2008 to 2013 impact on the U.S. economy Research Paper

The growth of China 2008 to 2013 impact on the U.S. economy - Research Paper Example With the main aim of ensuring recovery after the recession of 2008, the country has managed to record tremendous growth, particularly in the gross domestic product (GDP), which is used by its leaders in the benchmarking of the economy’s performance. In this study, I seek to address the concept of economic growth in China from a macroeconomic point of view, and how the same impacts on the US economy from a macroeconomic point of view (Chuang & Thomas, 2010; Morrison, 2013). The economy of China has been considered as one of the fastest growing economies in the world taking into consideration its real annual gross domestic product (GDP) that has averagely grown to 10% in the year 2013. As such, China is regarded as a main global power in trade. The other economic achievements in China that make its economy to be growing faster is that fact that it is the largest manufacturer, the largest trading economy, the second-largest foreign direct investment (FDI) destination and the only country holding the largest number of foreign exchange reserves (Calhoun & Derluguian, 2011). Within a span of only three decades beginning the year 1979, the rapidness in the economic rise of China can be considered as one of the major and the greatest success stories economically. However, this rating cannot be merited to that of the U.S.A considering that it has a lower per capita value as compared to the US (Gordon, 2008). However, in the year 2008, China’s economic growth was adversely affected by the recession considering that significant declines were noted in its exports, FDI inflows and imports. Consequently, there was a slowed growth in the country’s GDP and a large number of the working population lost their jobs through forced retrenchments and early retirements. From the angle of macroeconomics, it can be said that the recession affected households, businesses and the public

Monday, November 18, 2019

Research Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Research Project - Assignment Example The primary objective of this research is to critically assess the issues associated with customer and food quality of the organizations operating across different regions of the UK. In this regard, the research study incorporates an effective form of qualitative framework, critically analyzing the issues relating to the complexities faced by the customers due to food quality issues of the hospitality organizations operating in different locations of the UK. The methodology will also be justified in response to its relevance and accountability regarding the major objectives and goals of the research. Finally, this research will analyze the major findings obtained through the study, leading to the major issues associated with customers and quality related concerns of the food and beverage industry of the UK, providing an effective set of recommendations that can help the food and beverage industry to deal with the issues associated with customer and quality of their products and servi ces. With the intensifying pace of competition in the global food and beverage industry, organizations are often observed to face issues associated with sustainable customer services along with the concerns relating to the quality of their offerings. In this context, both the issues relating to customer and quality of food and beverage items have been observed to emerge at a significant level that impose major concerns for the organizations to retain their sustainable position in the competitive business environment (Szyplinska, â€Å"Food and Beverage Industry Focuses on Water Footprint and Greater Sustainability†). In this regard, it becomes an essential and most vital issue for research, which can ensure appropriate identification of effective measures to protect consumers from different flaws and inappropriate practices while producing foods and beverage items and accomplish

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The causes effects and solutions of domestic violence

The causes effects and solutions of domestic violence Domestic violence happens in three different ways in Vietnam, they are physical, sexual and emotional. Striking information shows that about 58% of women in Vietnam have been through at least one kind of domestic violence in their lifetime (UN 2010). It is obvious that women are prone to suffer from domestic violence than men and home does not seem to be the safe place for many women. About 97% victims of domestic violence is women (Binh 2011). Among three ways are two most common ones, namely physical and sexual violence. Domestic violence is widespread and varies greatly in different regions. 42% of women in the Southeast region have been abused by their husbands (UN 2010). In Ninh Binh, a woman used to be beaten once or twice every week (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation n.d.). Besides, the variations among regions, the situation is also dissimilar from one ethnic minority to others. The proportion of HMong women who are abused is 8%, and that of Kinh women is 36%. The problem has been worse because of peoples outdated view. Women are still in silence as they think it is a good way to maintain happiness in their family and being women, they need to be tolerant. Men, in addition, suppose that they can do anything since they are the most important people in families. Therefore, men still beat women for unreasonable causes such as lack of money for drinking, losing gamble, etc. 2.2 Violence should not be used to solve family issues Many problems arise during family life; hence, people especially men, sometimes unconsciously apply violence to deal with those problems. This method is completely unnecessary. There are some explanations for this discouragement. Domestic violence has very bad effects on victims (Child Welfare information Gateway n.d.). First of all, it causes health problems or physical injuries. Victims have to put up with normal injuries like scratches and bruises. Seriously, there are fractured bones in some cases, and victims may regularly experience headaches or stomachaches. Accordingly, women are unable to work to earn their living (Marjorie 2010). Secondly, women who are abused possibly suffer psychological problem. For example, many women become particularly angry and depressed; they abuse their own children and drink alcohol to alleviate the physical and emotional pains. Some studies show that victims of domestic violence are more likely to maltreat their children than those who are not abused by their partners (cited on UN 2010). When victims have no alternative, they put an end to their lives by suicide. Battered women commit suicide more often than those who are not battered (Marjorie 2010). That is completely a tragedy. However, women are not the only ones who suffer from the consequences of domestic violence. Children in this family accidentally become victims. These children do not have chance to enjoy their childhood. They have no choice but growing faster than others. While other kid are loved and taken care of by parents, those ones are responsible for doing housework, looking after younger sisters and brothers and thirsty for love. Moreover, their studying at school will also be affected. When children must do too many works and do not have enough time to sleep, they will fall asleep in class. Therefore, they can not understand the lessons and be blamed for being lazy and even some children drop out of school (Rebecca 2011). Gary Direnfeld (n.d.) indicates that children witnessing domestic violence seem to use violence as a way to gain what they need and want. Boys tend to get things they want by this way, so they do not have chance to improve skills like discussing and making dialogue to do. On the other hand, girls accept violence, and consider it a normal phenomenon. Besides, boys tend to bully and intimidate while girls are likely to exclude somebody and talk behind him or her. Another effect is that children become more aggressive and show violent actions (Rebecca 2011). It is because these children can not expose their feelings at home. If they have chances to express, they are possibly hit, spanked and punched. Children, at that time, are like a pressure cooker waiting to let out the steam (Rebecca 2011). Last but not least, domestic violence has bad influences on kids as they grow up. It is clear that parents are the first models in a childs life. If children are exposed to verbal abuse such as throwing, damaging furniture, slapping, kicking and insulting words everyday, what will happen? Certainly, there will be effects in the future life. In adult life, men witnessing domestic violence in childhood are more likely to abuse their wives than those who did not wit ness as children. Likewise, women who were exposed to violence in family when being small seem to be more tolerant towards violence from their counterparts. Some people still maintain that violence helps them tackle with improper behaviors of women; for example, they spend too much time glancing themselves at the mirror, do not cook the meal, take care of their families and talk back to the husbands. However, there are other ways to improve the situation instead of slapping or beating their women. Husbands can explain to the wives or give them a small gift and talk with them about happiness in their families. Moreover, domestic violence can lead to break-up in a family. According to Gender and Development Reseach Institute, 49.7% of families are broken up because of family violence (cited on Binh 2011). Also, it has no good effects on their children when they grow up. 2.3 Recent solutions to domestic violence Using violence in families is by no means humane and tolerable so it is necessary to find the solutions as soon as possible. However, in the face of this problem, both Vietnamese government and citizens must join hands to relieve the consequences of domestic violence in daily life. In term of the government, the very first thing they need to do is to educate their people. They should emphasize that domestic violence is not anyone elses problem; it is social so that people realize the seriousness of this matter. They also ought to explain clearly what domestic violence is, how it influences peoples lives and family tie. In addition, schools and healthcare centers need participate in this champagne. They can organize a meeting to talk about violence; hence, peoples awareness are raised at an early stage of their psychological development (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation ). In the long term, the government needs to put more efforts into eradicating poverty. It is important to teach people some kinds of jobs and lend citizens money with a low rate of interest so that they can earn their living. Moreover, it is necessary that each individual has a notion of reducing violence in their families. First, people should remain good relationship with intimate partners. Familys atmosphere must be comfortable, happy and peaceful so that house will be the most wanted place for everyone. When there is something wrong in family, the husband or the wife must know how to behave in order to calm down the other. Silence when in need is encouraged. Another solution is that women should understand more about domestic violence to protect themselves while it occurs. If women are abused, they should not keep silence. Authorities need to know this so that they can intervene and find the answers. Parents have to be aware that domestic violence has negative effects on their children and it is essential to respect the intimate partners.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Othello’s Female Roles Essay -- Othello essays

Othello’s Female Roles  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Let’s look at the roles of the three lady-characters in the Shakespearean drama Othello. Their roles are not marginal, but are rather vital to the tragedy.    In the Introduction to Shakespeare’s Othello: The Harbrace Theatre Edition, John Russell Brown summarizes the role of the heroine of the play:    When considered functionally, Desdemona’s role may be seen to be every bit as demanding as those of the principals. The fact that she has far fewer words to speak and is on-stage for a much shorter time detracts nothing from the scope of the role, but rather shows that the actress herself can move the audience with the quiet authority of her stage presence and her realization of this girl’s courage and openness of mind and heart. (xviii)    For the women in Othello, life as they would have it was an uphill battle. Susan Snyder in â€Å"Othello: A Modern Perspective† reveals some of the hurdles which women had to face in finding a suitable role in society:    The pervasive notion of woman as property, prized indeed but more as object than as person, indicates one aspect of a deep-seated sexual pathology in Venice. [. . .] Iago fans to flames the coals of socially induced unease in Othello, fantasizes on his own about being cuckolded by Othello and Cassio. In an ideology that can value only cloistered, desireless women, any woman who departs from this passivity will cause intense anxiety. (295)      One key role for the heroine of the drama, Desdemona, is to support the general. David Bevington in William Shakespeare: Four Tragedies states that the hero equates the young woman he so deeply depends on for happiness, with his mother (226). A different role for the her... ...h, Inc., 1973.    Kernan, Alvin. â€Å"Othello: and Introduction.† Shakespeare: The Tragedies. Ed. Alfred Harbage. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1964.    Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.    Snyder, Susan. â€Å"Othello: A Modern Perspective.† Shakespeare: Othello. Eds. Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine. New York: Washington Square Press, 1993.    Wayne, Valerie. â€Å"Historical Differences: Misogyny and Othello.† The Matter of Difference: Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Ed Valerie Wayne. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991.    Snyder, Susan. â€Å"Othello: A Modern Perspective.† Shakespeare: Othello. Eds. Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine. New York: Washington Square Press, 1993.   

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cultural Behavior Essay

Culture is a very important factor that should be determined in every occasion, across the globe. Knowing once culture enhances the spirit of solidarity through understanding one another despite the differences of nationality. It creates communication and it clears the communication. One of the biggest problems today is the miscommunication of people despite the advancement in telecommunication industries that delivers a wider range of means of communication. One might ask what culture could do; obviously it can create good rapport between people and between nations. Having a cultural intelligence is a plus factor but it doesn’t mean that, a person without it can never mingle with a person with a different culture. Cultural intelligence entails a lot of things, most importantly it can help-us manage cross-cultural differences moreover it can help eliminate racism. To be specific, cultural intelligence can lower the cultural barriers caused by the terms, ‘us’ and ‘them’ and this allows you to predict what ‘they’ are thinking and how they will react to your behavior patterns through becoming aware with the cultural differences as well as its similarities; and it harness the power of cultural diversity. In our world today that is fast-paced, companies and their business managers who interact with employees, customers, partners, competitors, among others who are diverse cultural intelligence is important. Hosting an international conference of sorts will not be possible without knowing who the participants are. Making a successful affair with other countries means tapping their soft spot. That is possible by studying what please them and respecting what they believe in, not only that, but their practices, values, expectations, attitudes, and ideologies. Those can be boiled down to one thing, knowing the culture because it is the â€Å"lens† through which you view the world. It entails the centrality of one’s attention, the perception and the expression. In this paper, there are two countries that should be given importance of – Brazil and Turkey. The former is known for their expertise in playing football while the latter is known for their good-looking men, as I would put it. BRAZIL, â€Å"The Land of Contrasts† This country is the fifth largest country in the world, and the largest nation in Latin America. Having the culture name of Brazilian, and their people are called depending on gender – Brasileiros for boys and Brasileiras for girls. In the late sixteenth century Portuguese introduced a Romance language called Portuguese, then this language is now the widely-spoken language in the country. Roman Catholic is the predominant religion. The Brazilians prides in themselves being democratic with race, they do not have prejudices over the different citizens that reside in Brazil. This ideology shapes their perception in terms of cultural behavior. This is not an assessment of complete non-existence of racial discrimination, but compared to other nations like the United States, in Brazil the expression is far more subtle and discreet. To add proof, the word â€Å"jeito† is familiar in Brazil which means that nothing is set in stone. Aside from those verbal greetings, there are things that should be learned about Brazil. One of this is their body language because becoming aware of this could help a person avoid any trouble in this country. For some countries, okay or OK hand signal means an approval or giving a nice reaction to other person but in this country it is a rude gesture. For example, in the Philippines the okay hand signal can brighten someone’s day, it is a simple gesture but it could mean a lot of positive meaning. Some politician even uses this for their campaign during election. When a Brazilian expresses appreciation, s/he may appear to pinch his/her earlobe between thumb and forefinger while to other counties it could mean that a person is shy or ashamed of something s/he has done. The â€Å"fig† is placing the thumb between the index and middles finger. This indicates a sincere invocation of luck towards another person. When the fingertips were flicked underneath the chin it means that the person doesn’t know the answer. But for other countries it indicates that the person is thinking or in a deep thought. It is common practice to almost every country to have privacy, may it be about personal life or whatever. Privacy is a concept of personal space. This is an event the Brazilians do not seem to care because lack of space is what they are used to. A crowded place is an appealing space for them. Touch and physical expression is evident in their culture. Being informal can be seen with the way women and men easily express their emotions through touch. There is a saying that time is gold. It applies to most of the countries around the world, especially in this time and age where you have to keep up with the fast-changing world. When it comes to time and work, some regions are casual about it. There are two cities in this country that are strict when it comes to following time especially business meetings. These are San Paulo and Rio, as for the latter, personal and social events are the things considered casual. Main meal happens at midday while light meal happens at night. Having good manners and etiquettes or the lack of it is a big issue. It shows how a person was raised and it shows ones upbringing. It is also important because it deals with a person’s reputation and his/her identity. When entertained into someone’s house, the guest should send flowers saying â€Å"Thank You† to the hostess, for it shows politeness. This shows the satisfaction and appreciation of the hospitality a hostess have shown. This is also a way to build a good impression. However, one should take note of the color of the flower to be given because purple-colored flowers are for funerals alone but it is fine to send out color violet. Saude (Sah-OO-Day) or Viva (Vee-va)are words that expresses â€Å"cheers† during toasts. Hello and goodbye, use good eye contact while handshaking and make sure that you handshake with everyone present. Stay away from phases such as, â€Å"Is it true that everyone in Brazil is either very rich or very poor? † It is very likely you will be talking with someone that isn’t either one. Brazilians usually address teachers, doctors, priests, and other professionals using their title followed by their first name—Professor Joao, Doutora Maxine or Presidente Henrique. Making a successful business in Brazil means adhering to their business custom, this helped a lot because as I have said before it can make you close to your â€Å"would-be business partner. † To have an â€Å"executive† connotation, wearing a three-piece suit is advised because office workers are associated with two-piece suit. Wearing conservative attire with manicured nails are important for women who are transacting business. In making appointments, make it in two weeks advance and â€Å"out of nowhere† calls are not good especially at business and government offices. This could mean impoliteness that would lead to the impression of disrespect to the concerned person or people. The key to business success in Brazil is to be prepared in committing long term resources, may it be money or time. In every business meetings, their standard operating procedure is that the host starts the business discussions and it usually begins with small talks. TURKEY The official name is Republic of Turkey, and its capital is Ankara. Turkey is a crossing between two unique cultures from the European and Middle Eastern boundaries. The society is characterized with nationalism patriotism. A combination of traditional and modern views, the society attributes significantly to their ancestors. The rapid modernization of the country had contributed to the success of its market. One of the nice things about people of different nationality is that they have the unique form of greetings. It is normal to greet the Turkish with â€Å"Asalamu alaykum† which means peace be upon you, and the common reply to this is, â€Å"Wa alaykum salam† or peace be with you. It is normal to every tourist or every visitors of foreign land to know the hidden meanings of body language of the people in that particular country. That is an advantage so that a person would know what or what not to do. It is customary to greet Turkish counterparts with a handshake, failure to do so may be considered rude. Women are expected to extend their hand first as the men awaits this gesture. An eye contact with Turkish counterparts while speaking depicts sincerity. When the thumb is placed between first two fingers it signifies insult and the person doing it is being rude. Wagging the head in the US means â€Å"no†, but in this country it means â€Å"I don’t understand†. Personal space does not matter to Turks in fact they consider it as unfriendly. That is why backing away when a Turks stand close to you is not good. This shows aloofness that could trigger to becoming indifferent. Turks have a â€Å"polychromic time†, they are multitasked that they do several activities at the same time and continue several conversations about different topics. They can surely keep up with busy schedule because they manage to do one thing at the same time. This also shows that the Turks are good in dividing their attention, it also shows that they are good in doing rush works and other stuff. Reputation precedes a person’s identity. Making a reputation is through the guidelines of having good manners in almost everything a person does. This also means having respect to other people and showing appreciation of ones culture. Respecting and paying courtesy to an elderly or the eldest person when arriving at a gathering or room is advised in this culture. Age is highly given importance in this country. Age signifies wisdom and respect from the society. In this country, public display of affection id discourages and is considered inappropriate. For establishing business in Turkey, there are business rules and regulations. These should be strictly followed if a businessman wants to make it big in this country. Turkish people celebrates the Turkish holidays, like the Ramadan (fasting period) and months like July and August are considered as annual holidays of Turkish business men. These dates should be avoided as the celebration is most considered rather than business ventures. It is important to schedule business appointments in advance to ensure that you avoid Turkish holidays. Punctuality is also important for the Turkish people. In all business contexts, when one should be late, he or she must immediately inform the persons concerned immediately. Islam also extends its influence in the society as all appointments and meetings should fit the 5 daily prayer times. The Turks prefer to do business with people they know and establish personal relationships with them for future benefits in their business ventures. Bibliography Bibikova Anastasia and Vadim Kotelnikov. Cultural Intelligence: Knowledge, Arts, & Skills. http://www. 1000ventures. com/business_guide/crosscuttings/cultural_intelligence. html http://www. cia. gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/br. html Nicol, Joni. Brazil. http://www. cyborlink. com/besite/brazil. htm Gorrill, Jodie R. A Turkish Culture Overview. http://www. communicaid. com/turkey-business-culture. asp

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to Make and Keep an Appointment in German

How to Make and Keep an Appointment in German No matter if you are arranging a first date or a dentist appointment, the etiquette of punctuality is famous in Germany. This article will teach you more about how to make appointments in Germany and express suitable arrangements in German. Calendar Dates and Clock Times in German Lets start with fixing a date. Dates of the month are described with a system called ordinal numbers. If you need a refresher, you can review vocabulary for months, days, and seasons. In Spoken German For numbers up to 19, add the suffix -te  to the number. After 20, the suffix is -ste. The trickiest part of getting your suffix right is to notice that it will change depending on the case and gender of your sentence. For example, look at these two sentences: Example: Ich mà ¶chte am vierten Januar in Urlaub fahren. - I would like to go on holiday on the 4th January.Der vierte Februar ist noch frei. - The fourth of February is still free. The ending changes are in line with how an adjectives endings change as its used in a sentence. In Written German Expressing ordinal numbers in written German is a lot easier since there is no need to adjust the suffix to case and gender. For dates in the calendar, simply add a dot after the number. Note that the German calendar format is Treffen wir uns am 31.10.? - Are we meeting on 10/31?*Leider kann ich nicht am 31. Wie wre es mit dem 3.11.? - Unfortunately I cant make it on the 31st. How about 11/3? How to Set a Time The second part of making your appointment is setting a suitable time. If you want to leave the suggestion up to your conversation partner, you can ask: Um wieviel Uhr passt es Ihnen am Besten? - What time is best for you? For a firmer suggestion, the following phrases will be useful:   Wie sieht es um 14 Uhr aus? - How does 2 pm look?Kà ¶nnen Sie/Kannst du um 11:30? - Can you make it at 11:30?Wie wre es um 3 Uhr nachmittags? - How about 3 pm? Germans are early risers, by the way. The standard working day runs from 8 am to 4 pm, with an hour of lunch break allowed. School days also start at 8 am. In formal environments and written language, Germans will speak in terms of the 24-hour clock, but colloquially its also common to hear times of the day described in the 12-hour format. If you would like to suggest a meeting at 2 pm, 14 Uhr  or 2 Uhr nachmittags  or 2 Uhr  can all be considered appropriate. Its best to take the cue from your conversation partner. Punctuality Equals Politeness According to the stereotype, Germans are particularly offended by tardiness. The oft-quoted saying Pà ¼nktlichkeit ist die Hà ¶flichkeit der Kà ¶nige  (punctuality is the politeness of kings) sums up what your German friends or colleagues may think. So how late is too late? According to the etiquette guide, Knigge arriving just on time is what you should aim for, and zu frà ¼h is auch unpà ¼nktlich. Too early is unpunctual, too. So in other words, ensure that you calculate travel times correctly and dont be late. Of course, a one-off will be forgiven and calling ahead if it looks as though you wont manage to arrive on time is highly recommended. In fact, the matter goes even deeper than a simple time delay. In the German-speaking world, appointments are considered as firm promises. No matter if you are committing to dinner at a friends house or a business meeting, backing out at the last minute will be taken as a gesture of disrespect. In short, the best tip for making a good impression in Germany is always to turn up on time and be well prepared for any meeting. And by on time, they mean not early and not late.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Essay Help

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Monday, November 4, 2019

Introduction to Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Introduction to Financial Management - Essay Example Do 16 (1 + g) ^2 where Do is the opening amount of dividend, g is the growth rate and â€Å"2† is the period. For this type of growth, to determine the growth level at time t, the value can be determined once by introducing a power, which is t as follows Dt = 16 (1 + g) ^t (Titman, Keown & Martin, n.d., pp. 3-13). The time t for the dividend growth is one year, therefore, the t = 1. Market capitalization rate indicates the rate of return on investment. Therefore, the price of the stock = 24 (1 +0.09) ^1/(1 + 0.15) ^1 = 22.75 pence (Titman, Keown & Martin, n.d., pp. 3-13). The return on equity = Net income/equity. Mannington’s ROE = 20%. Let net income be x. Therefore, 20% = x/(200,000,000 * 50) = x/10,000,000,000. X = (20% * 10,000,000,000) = 2,000,000,000. Mannington company declared 60% of the profits (net profit) as dividends. On that note, the total dividend to be paid = (60% * 2,000,000,000) = 1,200,000,000. The company’s dividend per share = (1,200,000,000/200,000,000) = 6pence per share. Given the company’s expected rate of return, at this point it is possible to obtain the value of the shares using the formula Vs = D/rs where Vs is share value, D is the dividend and rs is the expected return. Therefore, Vs = (6/0.13) = 46.15pence (Titman, Keown & Martin, n.d., pp. 3-13). Using the formula for constant dividend growth, RCs = D/Vcs + g where rcs is the return, D is the dividend, Vcs is the share price and g is the growth. Therefore, return = (20/2.35) + 0.06 = 8.571% (Titman, Keown & Martin, n.d., pp. 3-13). The director’s view that the retained earnings would be cheaper than the preference share is valid. To justify the validity, the only cost that accompanies the use of retained earnings is the failure to pay dividends to the shareholders. Thus retained earnings have no flotation cost, they are tax free and does not lead to loss of control of a company. Preference shares on the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Current Health Care Reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Current Health Care Reform - Essay Example Under this plan, the government will increase the amount of money taxed to people, and insurance companies will also play a crucial role. The plan is to be fully implemented in 2014, and several legal specifications indicate that it would influence the most of people in a good way as compared to a variety of issues which they normally reject since they assume they are costly. For those who cannot get insurance, there will be a sliding scale of subsidies created to help pay their premiums (Miranda, 2010). Under this plan, pre-existing conditions will not be used by insurance firms to refuse to pay up on health claims. The government will fund Medicare even more by adding 250 dollars to be used in covering prescriptions. Pursuant to this, it is projected that those who paid 100 percent will only be required to pay 25 percent by the year of 2012. This is projected to cost the government the excess of 938 billion within the next 10 years (Andrews, 2012). Furthermore, under the Patient Pr otection and affordable Care Act plan, more lavish benefits of Medicare, such as gym membership, hearing aids and the likes, are not planned to have been cut. Increases in taxes can also be seen in the fact that, for instance, couples making 250,000 annually will be taxed 1.45 to 2.35 by the year 2013. People with higher incomes will be taxed at the rate of 2.8 percent on the income that is not earned, such as interest and dividends (Miranda, 2010). Those enjoying indoor tanning facilities will be compelled to pay 10 percent more in taxes. The main influence behind the health care bill was, of course, President Barrack Obama whose administration has been instrumental in pushing for and promoting these health reforms. In congress, the bill has not been popular but the Democrats have put their weight behind the bill, since they insist it aims at ensuring all citizens will access to health insurance. In 2011 the final vote was 220 to 207 with all the Republicans voting against, but the bill eventually passed (Andrews, 2012). It actually makes employers play a greater role in the provision of their employees with health insurance. As a matter of fact, passing the bill was not an easy job as the process was fraught with political interferences and parties’ politics. In 2011, the Senate repealed the bill but the Supreme Court overturned this appeal. In an unexpected move, Justice Roberts voted for the bill justifying his reasoning by saying that the Constitution allows Congress to, whether based on actions or inactions, assess taxes. This had great influence in saving the plan from the opposition of the Republicans. In the Senate, the bill has been favored by the majority of Democrats who have supported the bill. While the Republicans consider it an unnecessary and expensive tax, the supporters of Democrats claim that it should not be repealed, since it would take away medical care for millions. Public opinion is divided and is expected to be reflected in the November elections. Republicans are using the opposition for this to rally people against Obama in the re-election. In fact, the plan is tailored to fit with the majority’s requirement and, since it will provide cheaper insurance and health cover for millions, a sizeable number will support it. When Romney tried to tell an audience of voters that the Republicans would do away with Obama’s health reforms, he was booed. This is the evidence that quite a